Additional provisions of services - Technical aid - Know-how : Feasibility studies - Evaluation of the routes - Analysis of the circuits of manufacture in related networks - space Organizations - Critical paths - the Councils installations strategies of productions - Studies of organizational systems with programming of the technical distribution system of coordination inter modular.
Studies of projects of total scheduling : Search and development of new products and new organizational applications for the companies of manufacture, treatments and transformations of the agricultural, artisanal, industrial sector and various establishments of the tertiary sector.
Adaptable and marketable conceptual products to measure : Evolutionary organizational keys of connections inter modular (For programmed industrial installations). Modular centers of Transformations of Productions Multi-Products (Eighteen evolutionary and adaptable models). Industrial sets installed in network (Without industrial plants) or industrial Applications installed in network (With industrial plants).
Models of adaptable complexes industrial and urban ready to be put in production run
(Industrial Tool for production + social Structures + Structures of accompaniment)